Battleship Quarters

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This game will be played on a table with three mugs on each side, 1 beer will fill the 3 mugs. The table will be marked at the halfway point with BDC approved tape. Each team must have an equal amount of quarters at the start of the game. Upon the start signal players will begin bouncing quarters in attempt to make each of the 3 opponents mugs. When a cup is made a player from the opposing team must drink the beer and return the quarter to the making team. If a empty cup is hit, it will be refilled and considered a live cup again. If a shot is missed and the quarter remains on the table, it will be awarded to the team whose side of the tape it is on. If a shot is missed and the quarter lands off the table, it is fair game until in the possesion of a player. The game is over once all three cups are empty

Beercathlon-The Ultimate test of beer Drinking (est. 2005)