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This game is played with one standard deck of 52 playing cards. Each player starts the game with 2 standard 12 ounce beers which represent a player's life points. Each player has 25 points (about 1 ounce per life point) Cards will be dealt out one per player face up with the high card going first. After the lead off beercathlete is determined, all cards will be shuffled and one card placed face up. On any given turn a player may guess the next card will be Higher,Lower or Same. If a player guesses correctly he continues to the next card, if he is incorrect he drinks the number of cards that he guessed on. Once a player has succesfully guessed 3 consecutive cards, he will be presented with an option to pass. If he chooses to pass he selects the next person to go. If he chooses to continue he may pass after any succesful guess. The lone exception to passing is when the card is an eight, passing on an 8 is never allowed.
No player can be selected two more times than any other player. Once a player has incurred 25 drinks they are eliminated from the game. The game will continue until only one player remains.
Calling Same-If a player opts to call same and is successful he will be awarded 3 bonus life points. If a player opts to call same and is unsuccessful it will be treated as a normal miss, and he will drink accordingly.

Beercathlon-The Ultimate test of beer Drinking (est. 2005)